AS Media Practical

Final piece.

Here is my groups finished horror film opening.

Audience Feedback

The video above is audience feedback for my groups film opening.

Assessing progression.

In this post I will assessing my progress from the preliminary task that my group undertook to the finished product (opening sequence to horror film).

I feel that from the first stages of this practical work to now I have learnt a vast amount and that to make a good piece of work I must work creatively and cooperatively in order to improve my skills and how to create and effective opening to a horror film by using effective camera angles etc.
Lastly I have learned how to use new technology in the form of editing software and further my camera skills.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Nearing the end of creating my practical I have learnt a lot about different technologies from creating my film. One of which is that I have developed my video camera skills and are able to frame my work efficiently and effectively. Also, prior to this practical work I had never used editing software but I am now a capable user of it and plan to use it in the future for projects.

On a more human level I have learnt how to develop an idea as a group to bring about a positive outcome.

Image of myself at work, filming.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I think Warner Brothers is most likely to distribute my film because they are held in high prestige in the film industry due to their production and distribution of a myriad genres of film. Therefore they would be a promising potential distributor due to the fact that because they have distributed horror films such as House of Wax and The Shining.

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The conventions of horror films are as follows:
  • Blood
  • Death
  • Killing
  • Villain
  • Victim
  • Haunted houses and isolated settings.
To obtain some background knowledge on forms and conventions of horror films I watched a few 'classic' films, such as The Ring and Scream. Below is the opening sequence to Scream.

Our media product uses and challenges forms and conventions of real media products:

Sound: Needs to be improved to pertain to the eeriness of the film opening.

Editing: Could be improved, at the moment the transitions between shots is not very good. The finished product will use the forms and conventions of an occult horror.

Camera: We have used and developed forms and conventions so far by use of varied camera angles and shot types.

Mise en Scene: Uses the forms and conventions of horror with dim lighting and iconography through the occult-type images.

Uses and gratifications theory.

The target of this theory is based upon the consumer and 'what media does to them' (Katz, 1959).

The audience of our practical falls into the following subsets;

Age : Teenagers
Gender : Male and Female
Occupation : Student / Part time work
Income (disposable) : EMA/Grants/Part time work
Hobbies : Social activites.

Here is a questionnaire that we addressed to said audience.

Gathering and assessing information from around 50 completed questionnaires it was apparent that occult horror is popular and therefore we should venture into this sub-genre for our film opening.