In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The conventions of horror films are as follows:
  • Blood
  • Death
  • Killing
  • Villain
  • Victim
  • Haunted houses and isolated settings.
To obtain some background knowledge on forms and conventions of horror films I watched a few 'classic' films, such as The Ring and Scream. Below is the opening sequence to Scream.

Our media product uses and challenges forms and conventions of real media products:

Sound: Needs to be improved to pertain to the eeriness of the film opening.

Editing: Could be improved, at the moment the transitions between shots is not very good. The finished product will use the forms and conventions of an occult horror.

Camera: We have used and developed forms and conventions so far by use of varied camera angles and shot types.

Mise en Scene: Uses the forms and conventions of horror with dim lighting and iconography through the occult-type images.

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